I live in a home with kittens. Not one, but two. Two terrible, ruckus causing, mayhem inducing mofos. They look sweet and innocent, don't they? I promise you, they're anything but.
Today marks the first day (knock on wood) that my Xmas tree has gone and stayed up. We've been attempting this for weeks now. One will climb up the tree, scaling it like it's some large evergreen mountain - and she's managed to break off limbs and, today, knock the entire thing over onto the floor.
This is a seven foot tree. It was covered in lights and tiny breakable ornaments. I was PISSED.
The other, my less than bright bulb, is a chewer. Have you seen the scene in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation where the white Persian kitten electrocutes herself? It would be like that. Only furrier.
They've been officially banished to the bedroom for this month. I would say "problem solved" except they're nocturnal so they torment us for hours on end during prime sleeping hours... pouncing on toes, jumping on faces, smacking around tiny catnip mice filled with loud beads. You know, the works.
Merry Fucking Christmas.
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