Sunday, November 18, 2007


It's very very quiet in my apartment. I hear brief rustlings from the corner of the living room, the result of two very nocturnal kittens. The only light on is by my computer desk, a solitary bulb saving me from the darkness. Although I appreciate it, the light is positioned in such a way that it's constantly glaring in my eyes. Thats the trade-off for not tripping over things on the way into other rooms, I suppose.

I feel like winter has begun, even though we're officially a little over a month away from the actual day. The downward shift in temperature and the upward shift in precipitation is making me a bit restless. I hate not being able to get out - I resent being cooped up in one place for too long (even if the place has been carefully edited and designed by me to maintain emotional stability).

This will fade and I'll settle in to days of sitting by the window with a cup of hot tea or cocoa and watching the snow fall. I enjoy that as well. It's the transitions that are hell for me - I'd rather just wake up tomorrow morning with a blanket of fallen flakes and the realization that this is my life for the next few months. I'd be ok with that.

Alright, off to bed with me. I have a bit of a tummy ache that only an early bedtime can remedy.

0 souls have spoken.: