Friday, November 9, 2007

See you Monday!

I'm usually quite the busy person - I like to keep my life going-going-going like the Energizer Bunny. It's the downtime, the quiet moments when I'm left alone with my thoughts, that I come to realize just how unsettled I am.

It's not the fault of anyone in my life, or out of it. It's simply my nature to always look further ahead, further down the road. I'm content, but always striving.

In the spirit of rampant busyness, I have an insane weekend in front of me. Tomorrow I'll be shopping, mainly for this...

and this...

After that, I'm going to the Humane Society to play with puppies (hard work, I know) and then a hockey game. I'm looking forward to all of the above - good food, good clothes, good company and the ability to scream my head off and have it be socially acceptable.

Have a great weekend!

0 souls have spoken.: