Monday, November 5, 2007

A little afternoon procrastination.

I tried to go to sleep early last night, making plans and lofty goals for my entire "free" afternoon. I guess if wishes were kittens we'd all be warm and covered in fur, right? (Thanks for the analogy, D. *laugh*) All I've done this afternoon so far is run a few quick errands, mainly to secure our Thanksgiving Tofurkey, and hit the gym for an hour. Whoop-dee-freakin'-do. I deserve an award.

Being me is hard work, truly.

But with the wind whipping crunchy, colored leaves around outside my living room window and the scented candle taking me back to a place I've almost certainly never lived, staying inside and doing as little as possible sounds heavenly (if I believed in such a place).

So, instead I'm choosing to sit on the couch, catch up on my DVR'd episodes of Weeds and Dexter and work on finishing the two books I've started reading (Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin and The Revolution of Everyday Life by Raoul Vaneigem). I'll make a quick dinner - I'm leaning towards pad thai with tofu - and spend the rest of my afternoon and evening curled on the couch under my warm and fuzzy in the company of those I love.

I love days like this - even if I never get anything accomplished I still feel like I've won.

0 souls have spoken.: